
Welcome to Booth, Hellums and Associates, LLC! Here you will find detailed information about our company including: descriptions of services offered, staff biographies, contact information, up-to-date company announcements, and related off-site links. Step in and have a look around…

The Booth-Hellums Difference
Why attend Booth, Hellums and Associates’ led training over any other organized training program? Why choose Booth, Hellums and Associates to plan, produce, and lead training events for your organization? In two words–proven success.

Currently, the Louisiana state-wide average pass rate water and wastewater certification examinations is 51 %. The average pass rate of students trained by Booth, Hellums and Associates is 81 %, fully 30 % higher than the state average! Some Booth, Hellums and Associates classes have experienced pass rates as high as 98 % to 100 %. With that in mind, why look anywhere else for your training needs? Set yourself up for success with Booth, Hellums and Associates, LLC.

Who We Are
Booth, Hellums and Associates, LLC exists to provide contract technical assistance to small and rural communities. This assistance enables these small communities to improve their quality of life. We exist for the purpose of promoting the greatest level of safety and compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act and their subsequent federal and state rules and regulations for the purpose of achieving the highest levels of health and safety as our citizens consume and contact the waters of the State of Louisiana.

The objectives of the technical assistance are to:

  1. Identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste disposal problems in rural areas
  2. Assist applicants in preparing applications for water and waste grants
  3. Improve operation and maintenance of existing water and waste disposal facilities in rural areas
  4. Reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources
  5. Improve planning and management of solid waste sites

To achieve these purposes, we engage in board education, operator training, water/wastewater system reviews and audits to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the systems. The principles of the firm are David R. Booth and J.W. Hellums, Jr. These principles have over 50 years of water, wastewater, training and overall environmental regulatory experience to bring to bear for our clients.

Our Mission
To become the leading provider of expert technical assistance, training, and a full array of other services to small and rural water/wastewater systems and communities throughout Louisiana with the primary purpose of improving our state’s quality of life.

Contact Information
Telephone: 337.214.4355
FAX: 866.572.5904
Postal address:
1320 East Gauthier Road
Lake Charles, LA 70607
Electronic mail:
General Information: info@boothhellums.com
Webmaster: webmaster@boothhellums.com